Last modified: Thu Feb 4 14:55:07 CET 2010
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Workshop on Hadron-Hadron & Cosmic-Ray Interactions at multi-TeV Energies
ECT* - Trento, Nov 29th - Dec 3rd, 2010
The final agenda is available on indico.
Talks and discussions will be organized around the following main topics:
- QCD predictions for multiparticle production at very high energy and their
implementation in Monte Carlo simulation packages;
- theoretical and experimental developments on diffractive and elastic scattering at multi-TeV energies;
- theoretical approaches of multi-parton dynamics and underlying event in hadronic collisions;
- theoretical and experimental developments on low-x QCD and forward particle production;
- theoretical developments on modeling of cosmic-ray showers;
- experimental results on inclusive hadron production at the LHC and other colliders
(RHIC, HERA, Tevatron);
- latest experimental measurements of cosmic-rays in the 10^{15} - 10^{20} eV range.